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Mat Dowsett

mat dowsset


Mat Dowsett was born in 1971 in Yoorkshire, England. As a boy he saw a brief television article about the running of the bulls in Pamplona and resolved at once that he would take part one day.

In 2000 his curiosity was piqued again and he realised that now was the time , but was unable to go to Pamplona until 2001. During the long wait he researched Sanfermines and the encierro exhaustively (and still does).

In 2001 Mat was finally able to take part in the fiestas and the run -both of which he described as terrifying and wonderful at the same time. In 2002 he conducted guided tours of the encierro route, and on returnin to England decided to write a book on the subject that would hopefully inspire as well as inform. During San Fermin he can be found in front of Bar Txoko talking to anyone who will listen about the running of the bulls.

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